Jesus Loves the Children

The way Jesus loved people was different. The people Jesus loved were different. The amazing things Jesus said and did were so very different from what the rest of the world said and did.

Last week we looked at the story of Zacchaeus, and saw how Jesus chose to spend time with and love a person that nobody else loved–a tax collector.

Story: Jesus and the Children

This week, we will look at a story of Jesus and some children. How will Jesus respond to people who are often overlooked? What does Jesus think of children? How does Jesus love children? Let’s find out together.

Read the story below, or ask your grownup to read it to you.

Scripture: Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17

Wondering Questions

  • I wonder what we can learn about Jesus from this story?

  • I wonder what we can learn about love from this story?


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Have you heard the song, Jesus Loves Me? In the video below, a daddy sings this song to his baby. I like to imagine that Jesus would welcome us into his arms like this, and lovingly sing over us as he held us close.


Loving Jesus,

Thank you for welcoming us into your arms instead of sending us away.

Even though others might overlook us, you don't.

You see us, and you bless us. Thank you.


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